Photo Album

February 2019

Winners of the Centre Chairperson’s Prize 2019

Winners of the Centre Chairperson's Prize, Treas Colleary and Peggy Murtagh with the Centre Chairperson, Rita McCormack

Winners of the Centre Chairperson’s Prize, Treas Colleary and Peggy Murtagh with the Centre Chairperson, Rita McCormack

The winners with Rita and her daughter, Christine Moore

The winners with Rita and her daughter, Christine Moore

All this work to find a golf ball?

All this work to find a golf ball?

Who knew that such hidden talent existed.

Who knew that such hidden talent existed.

Mullingar Bowls Back Row l-r: Andy Boyle, Kevin Nolan, Philip Morris PRO, Richie Cavanagh, Michael McCormack & Ken Ridsdale Treasurer. Front Row l-r: John Fitzpatrick, Emily Murphy, Dolores McCormack, Sean Harraghy Chairman, Glen Ridsdale Secretary & John Fitzsimons. Missing from the photo are, Jim Baker, Seamus Butler, Eoin Corrigan & Willie Warde


Club Chairman Sean Harraghy presenting the prizes to winners of the Margaret Kellaghan Pairs, John Fitzsimons &John Fitzpatrick

Club Chairman Sean Harraghy presenting prizes to the runner ups of the Margaret Kellaghan Pairs to Philip Morris & Ken Ridsdale.


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